St. Marys District Collegiate and Vocational Institute Home

Save the date, grade 9 Salukis!

Thurs. Aug. 29 you can drop into the school any time between 10:00 and 11:00 to find your classrooms and locker! Don't forget your combination lock!

News & Announcements

  • Join DCVI's GSA Google Classroom

    Join DCVI's GSA Google Classroom by clicking the headline above!
  • SchoolMessenger for Absence Reporting

    Our school will be using a new process for reporting absences. As of Monday January 30, please use this new system. A letter was sent to all families in December outlining the details, if you did not receive this letter please view it by clicking the title or contact the school office.
  • DCVI has an Instagram account!

    Hello Salukis!
    DCVI has an Instagram account: @smdcvi ! Make sure to follow us!
  • Events Calendar

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